Feelhey - ART DIRECTION and video design


Art Direction | Video Design


Everyone wants to be close to their loved ones. But sometimes there's just too much distance. It becomes impossible to hold that one special person. Until now. Hey bracelet is the first wearable that mimics human touch. It lets you feel your loved one, no matter the distance. The Feel-Hey project has been one of the most fun and challenging at the same time. The company, first named "Hey Bracelets”has been transformed into Feel-Hey, an entire new brand for an entirely new audience. The new branding and the new visual style of Feel-Hey, are in line with the new goals. The target audience is the now growing generation Z. Antonio Lo Presti took care of the rebranding, art direction, logo design and video design. 


Hey Bracelets

Hey Bracelets

FeelHey third picture.jpg
FeelHey last picture.jpg

Art Direction | Video Design |Logo Design: Antonio Lo Presti